Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Zealand: update 2


  1. Hey Alex!

    Glad to hear things are going well. It sounds like you're working with a lot of students. That certainly requires some flexibility on your part but it sounds like you're doing really great.

    I'm also happy to hear you've met some people your own age. My biggest regret from Australia is not really making local friends. If you get a chance to do that it will make your trip (both while you're there and after) that much better.

    How's the weather? I know it's winter - is it really cold? Does it snow? Hopefully you're fully prepped for winter camping.

    Thanks for the videos - they're great updates! As for me, nothing new. I'm going home in a month which will be nice. Found a "lake" in Indiana which makes me happy. And otherwise, that's about it.

    Safe travels! Love you.

  2. Hiya Alex-

    Sounds like things are going well for you. Glad that you're meeting some people your age. How much longer are you there for?

    Chris and I got back from London last night. It was a pretty quick trip once you back out all of the time spent travelling. We were on the ground in London for 3.5 days. We did a lot though.

    We're headed to Chicago at the end of July, and are going to swing down to Indiana to see Sara and meet Charlie, her cat.

    Hope things are going well. Be safe on your camping trip.

    Love ya! Kate
