Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rest in Peace, Brother

Today is one of mixed emotions for me.  Brother Donald Mansir, F.S.C., has died.  Admitted to the hospital only the day before yesterday, he died last night.  Cancer destroyed his body.  Whether he knew before that he had it, I am not sure.  Whether he did or not, BroD, as we often called him, lived his life well right to the very end.  One of the last conversations we had (over a year ago, sadly) was seeking my 'expert' economic advice on whether he should pay the deposit on his apartment in Italy in US dollars or in euros.  Donald dedicated his life to living, and to living for God.  He saved Christians from persecution in the Middle East, and he saved his students from the persecution of bad translations in the United States.  He changed the course of his students lives in truly tangible ways, and he inspired everyone who met him.  I am truly saddened by his passing and by the knowledge that I will not share his company again in this lifetime.  At the same time, I am sure that his loving soul has been taken into God's eternal embrace, and this is a thing to rejoice over.  I believe BroD was prepared for death, and I am grateful God took him quickly.

Brother, you are missed.

May you rest in peace.


1 comment:

  1. Although I am heavily saddened that I will never share his company again, everything that Brother Donald has taught me tells me that this is something to be celebrated. I just wish, for my own benefit, I had been able to spend more time with him.
