Friday, June 26, 2009

"Living in South Auckland" - An Essay by Mr. Auimatagi (Year 8, De La Salle College)

Living in South Auckland can be called home. But our home can be called a ghetto. It's New Zealand's side of the GHETTO! This side is the south side.

Living in South Auckland is quite easy. ONLY if you know what to do. We have the so called good guys that save the day, and then comes in the bad guys when they wander around and attack innocent people in supermarkets, stores, and homes. But we cannot forget the UGLY GUYS these kind of people probably can do do worse by means that they are known for their mistakes or attacks, or what they have done.

We have gangs that can do much more worse than the ugly guys, that's why South Auckland has a bad reputation for their behaviour on the streets of our community, even public places like the liquor store, down at Otara or Otahuhu where they got robbed in the middle of the night. So South Auckland is famous only for things that can harm the children of our own generation.

And here we are left with the good people in our suburbs and homes, they are trying to clean up the mistakes that we have made wrong about. They are trying also to set a good example of children trying to do the same, like not to steal, join in gangs and kill other people not doing drugs and a whole lot more.

You and me can also make a difference. We can make some changes in our !!LIFE!!

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